Thursday, December 17, 2015


My view on using multimedia has changed quite a bit throughout my 8 weeks in edu 642. It all started when we simply learned what multimedia actually is.  I always had this idea that multimedia had to do with only technology but really its multiple way of interacting with things.
I really liked learning about using multimedia for an assessment too.   I have little to know projects that involve the students using multimedia to exemplify mastery learning. I feel like building these projects is something that I am not very good at and could improve upon. I would love to have more classroom participation when it comes to completing group projects and incorporating more multimedia may be a good way to do that. That is one of my goals for 2016, to have more multimedia projects.
One of my least favorite things to learn about in the class was the copyright, although I did like using padlet, I hate learning about copyright. I know copyright is important, and it's important for me to understand so that I can teach my students about it, I still think it's boring.
Two things that I really liked was learning how to make Gif's and using PIXLR. These are both thing that I have used regularly since we did them for this class. I didn't care much for making the info gram though.
Then we ended with Storify. I think storify is best app that I have learned about in the last 2 years. I would rank storify as almost as good as kahoot, and that's saying a lot because I really like kahoot. It was so simple to use and you can add some many different types of information very easily.
Teaching my students has changed throughout this course because over %50 of what I have learned in the class I was able to implement right away. I was also able to design lessons that I could use in my classroom and count for a grade in this class as well. I think that was the best part, learning about things that I could actually put to use.

Saturday, December 12, 2015


This is a rubric that I created using word. Some of the ideas for categories came from a rubric builder. I like using word because in my technology class students can self-grade by dragging the circles to where they think they scored. This will be for a about me presentation they do using google slides in 7th grade.
§  I used this assessment (plickers) in my classroom on Friday! It was really cool and it worked well. I think the students preferred it over just having time to study for the test. I asked them at the end of the class what they would have rather done, Plickers or Kahoot. All of them said Kahoot. I could see myselft using plickers again in the future for a quick assessment like warm-up or exit ticket.  
§  Learning objective for project (rubric)- Students will create an original presentation to demonstrate skills learned in computers and present them to the class.
o    In my 7th grade technology class it is %100 project based and graded with rubrics.
o    My thinking about technology use this week really has not changed a lot this week because I have used a lot of the things that were mentioned in the post.
o     My thinking really has not changed about technology use either, but I do think that plickers is pretty amazing how it works
o    I enjoyed learning about plickers, I did not enjoy the assessment rubric and video portion. Rubric and videos are things that I have always used.
o    I was able to grow by learning about the plickers app. 

ISTE Standards•S
5. Digital Citizenship
B. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning and productivity.
6. Technology Operations and Concepts
D. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies

Video & Questions

Geospatial revolution video 1                                                             Name:__________________
What is a GPS?
How many satellites do you need to find your location?
How do we rely on satellites for?
What types of things can Google maps on your mobile device do?
Why are maps important?

After watching the video how do we use satellites in our everyday lives ?

Video Citation 
Ayanian, S., & Stanford, C. (Producer). Keiter, T., & Doebler, M. (Actor). (2010). Geospatial revolution [Online video]. United States: Penn State Public Broadcasting. Retrieved from


Thursday, December 3, 2015


Rather than writing a post about how I might incorporate this technology into my classroom I created an actual assignment using this technology that I will have my students do next week. You can check out my assignment and webpage at  I also included a video along with this. would not let me attache links or videos without having a premium purchased account. Mind map