Thursday, November 26, 2015

My idea for a lesson is to have a QR code scavenger hunt around the school. Students will have a sheet of paper that has boxes on it with clues under each box to where you would find the QR code in the school; office, gym, media center, etc... They would then have to go through the school and find the QR codes that I had hung up. After they found the QR code they would scan in with their phone and it would take them to a resource. They would have to read the question below the QR code and answer the question using the resource given. They would then record the answer on their paper. The first one to complete the exercise would get a prize.
                Another idea I had was when we talk about animal taxonomy I usually get out a bunch of samples of different animals that belong to different categories. I could label each specimen with a QR code that takes them to a website that has more information about that specimen.  
 This could be a fun adventurous exercise for any class or any topic. This could even be used as a review game. The learning objectives that apply here would be based on what topic you chose for the QR codes to take you to. The factors that could influence the success of this are the cell phone use policies. I teach in two different schools, the middle school and the high school. At the high school we have a more relaxed cell phone policy and at the middle school they are not allowed to have their phones in class at all. In order to do this activity the students would have to be allowed to use their phones. Another issue is that students need to have a barcode scanner for this to be able to work. If they do not have the app then they would need to download it and most app stores do not work on the schools wifi. So I would have to find a way around that as well.
My thinking has changed this week because I think this augmented reality stuff is really cool. Awhile ago a colleague showed me a cool way to use augmented reality and it is called sand box. It is pretty cool some of the stuff you can do with it. Here is a link to the video about sand box

I have attached a couple QR codes to the websites that I use for my classes.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ken,

    Awesome idea. I have elementary students, but I think grouping them up and showing them how to do it I could do a similar activity. There could be problems just like you suggested if the connection isn't strong, or if students are not allowed to use phones. If ipads are available you could make sure before the lesson that the correct app was downloaded. Students then would not have to worry about their phones. Students could also work in paris or in groups to complete the task.

    Augmented lessons are very interactive and fun for students. If set up appropriately student would greatly benefit!

    Great ideas!
